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About Us
Founded in 2006 by Mark & Sarah Witcombe, M A Witcombe was incorporated a year later and had already built a strong reputation for the highest quality craftsmanship and customer service. As the company succeeded in winning high profile contracts, it began recruiting carefully chosen subcontractors, many of whom still work for the company today.
They were able to take on a full time estimator, Martin Tribe, now a Director of the company, whose skills in submitting realistic tenders and converting them into secured projects, helped the company to grow steadily.
In 2018, Mark and Sarah retired and sold the business to the existing management team. Directors Martin Tribe and Karen Boots (formerly the Finance Manager) are now taking the company forward in the next exciting phase of its growth.

“We are committed to the same principles and high standards of safety and service that have become synonymous with M A Witcombe Ltd” said Martin.
The change of ownership coincided with a move of premises, to an industrial unit in Honiton. “We had simply outgrown Portland House” Karen explains “so the move to larger premises gives us more office space as well as a much needed storage facility".
With a turnover in excess of £6 million per year and an ever growing demand for their services, M A Witcombe Ltd is going from strength to strength with an expanding workforce and a reliable and extensive supply chain.
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